Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Interview tentang Masalah Hukum dan Pendidikan di Indonesia

Masalah Pendidikan

Sumber 1: 

Etty Mardiyanti,
Kepala Sekolah Dasar Negeri

1. Bagaimana kesejahteraan dan kualitas guru di Indonesia? 

Kalau  kesejahteraan guru di Indonesia sebenarnya sudah sejahtera karena sudah mendapat gaji, tunjangan kinerja daerah  serta sertifikasi. Tetapi tidak untuk guru honor, guru honor cuma dapat honor dari sekolah paling banyak  1 juta plus tunjangan dari pemerintah 400 rb perbulan yg turunnya ga pasti. Tuk kualitas guru di Indonesia  memang masih kurang, karena banyak guru tidak mau belajar atau menyesuaikan diri dengan kemajuan zaman. Guru terlalu nyaman dengan keberadaannya sekarang jadi kurang inovasi. Tidak peduli dengan keadaan sekarang walaupun tidak semua guru. 

2.     Bagaimana sarana dan prasarana sekolah di Indonesia?  

Sekolah negeri di Indonesia mendapat dana operasional untuk membeli sarana dan prasarana sekolah dari pemerintah, tetapi tidak merata tiap sekolah, jadi ada yang dapat banyak ada juga yang tidak dapat. Tetapi dana operasional sekolah datangnya telat terus jadi ditalangin dulu sama kepala sekolah dan bendahara sekolah.

3.     Siapa calon presiden yang cocok mengatasi masalah pendidikan di Indonesia?
Menurut saya Prabowo, karena ada isu bahwa sertifikasi guru akan dihapuskan oleh Jokowi, kalau hal itu sampai dihapuskan, kasihan semua guru di Indonesia. 

Sumber 2, 3, dan 4:

Kiri: Abu Rizal Sidik, Mahasiswa
Tengah: Dicky Riawan, Mahasiswa
Kanan: Moh. Alfi Syahrin, Mahasiswa
1.     Menurut anda, pendidikan di Indonesia sekarang ini seperti apa? 
a.     Abu: masih banyak kekurangan terutama masalah waktu,para pelajar selalu difokuskan untuk belajar terus menerus.
b.     Dicky: layak dipertanyakan karena uang yang dikeluarkan tidak pernah sebanding dengan apa yang didapat.
c.     Alfi: biasa-biasa saja tapi terkadang kita terlalu banyak mendapatkan kewajiban daripada hak sebagai pelajar.

2.     Bagaimana kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia? 

a.  Abu: kualitasnya masih jauh dibawah rata-rata dibandingkan dengan negara tetangga.
b.  Dicky: menilik secara kualitas masih sangat buruk,karena kita sebagai pelajar hanya melakukan hal yang membosankan.
c.     Alfi: masih jauh dibawah standar dunia.

3.     Apa harapan untuk pendidikan di Indonesia?

a.     Abu: lebih baik aja sih terutama sarana dan prasarana.
b.     Dicky: waktu belajar di sekolah ada baiknya dikurangin,karena belajar dari pagi sampai sore sangat melelahkan.
c.     Alfi: masalah tenaga pendidikan bisa segera diperbaiki.

4.     Menurut anda, masalah utama dalam dunia pendidikan itu apa?

a.     Abu dan Alfi: kalo masalah sih banyak tapi yang paling mendasar adalah lamanya waktu belajar.
b.     Dicky: system yang berubahnya cepat menggangu cara belajar siswa.

5.     Solusi anda untuk pendidikan?

a.     Abu: perubahan yang menyeluruh terhadap elemen-elemen di dalam pendidikan.
b.     Dicky: lebih baik aja sih terutama pengaturan waktu.
c.   Alfi: tenaga pendidik yang bisa menyesuaikan kemampuan kualitas dan kuantitas siswa.

6.     Siapa Presiden yang cocok untuk mengatasi ini semua? 

a.     Abu: belom tau sih tapi kayanya Jokowi deh.
b.     Dicky: saya sih milih Abu Rizal Bakrie.
c.     Alfi: Jokowi bisa menangani ini semua, Insya Allah.

Sumber 5:

Cindy, Siswa SMA (interviwee menolak untuk difoto)

  1. Bagaimana kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia?

Pendidikan di Indonesia sangat buruk karena UN kali ini soalnya sulit sekali dan berstandar internasional

2.     Bagaimana kualitas guru di indonesia?

Kualitas guru di Indonesia cukup baik, akan tetapi masih saja ada guru guru yang menjadikan segalanya menjadi uang

3.     Masalah utama pendidikan di indonesia menurut anda apa saja?

Masalahnya sangat banyak dari mulai sistem yang kurang baik hingga di lapanganya

4.     Apakah keinginan anda untuk pendidikan indonesia

Yang pasti lebih baik,dan jangan menjadikan murid - murid sebagai percobaaan setiap tahunya dengan mengganti ganti sistem pendidikan yang tidak ada perubahanya

5.   Solusi anda untuk pendidikan di Indonesia?

Solusinya bisa leih baik dengan sistem yang bagus

6. Presiden siapa yang cocok untuk mengatasi masalah ini?

Presiden Jokowi karena dia bisa tegas menyelesaikan masalah

Sumber 6:

Ratna Devianti, Pengacara Hukum di Indonesia
  1. Bagaimana kualitas Hukum di Indonesia?

Hukum yang ada di indonesia sudah baik
  1. Bagaimana kualitas hakim dan pengacara hukum di indonesia?

Kualitas hakim dan pengacara hukum di indonesia tidak semua baik
  1. Masalah utama hukum di indonesia menurut anda apa saja?

Masalah utama hukum di indonesia adalah korupsi dan inkonsistensi
  1. Apakah keinginan anda untuk hukum indonesia?

Keinginan saya untuk hukum indonesia adalah agar hukum indonesia menjadi lebih stabil
  1. Solusi anda untuk Hukum di indonesia?

Solusi atas masalah hukum di indonesia adah dengan memperberat hukuman bagi pelaku kriminalitas
  1. Presiden yang cocok untuk masalah di Indonesia?

Saya belum tahu presiden mana yang cocok untuk menangani masalah ini

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


In this post the writer is going to discuss about ethnicity and its relation with race, the distinction of ethnicity, statuses in ethnic group, and the relation of it with assimilation.
An ethnic may define themselves as different because of their language, religion, geography, history, ancestry, or physical traits. Many people misinterpret ethnicity is the correct political term for race, whilst ethnicity is actually based on cultural traditions. Race, on the other hand, is mainly based on biological traits. Hence, when an ethnic group is assumed to have a biological basis, it is called a race.
Ethnic groups are formed around virtually the same features as cultures: common beliefs, values, customs, history, and the like. More about culture can be read in 'Culture' post in this blog.

Ethnicity and Status
Status refers to any position in a society, which can be filled by individual. In ethnicity, the role of status is also applied. There are two categories of statuses:
  • Ascribed status is status into which people enter automatically without choice, usually at birth or through some other universal event in the life cycle. 
  • Achieved status is status that people acquire through their own actions.
Chieftain of Asmat Tribe
See an example of Asmat tribe in Papua New Guinea, Indonesia. This tribe applies the “Big Men” status role of, in which they have the chieftain; the headman of the tribe. This position is never inherited, but rather achieved by surviving and winning competition within other chieftain candidates. The chieftain is expected to act as a negotiator with other tribes or foreign peers, and is also expected to give positive influences through his examples.
Within complex societies, ascribed status has the ability to describe large sub-groups: majority groups, minority groups, and races. It is differentiated by blood, or the inherited status given at birth. Differences in ascribed status are too commonly associated with differences in social-political power.
The definitive feature of a minority group is that its members systematically experience lesser income, authority, and power that other member of their society; a minority group is not necessarily a smaller population than other groups, bur it is rather the group that has minor power. Whilst the majority group, with what they own in reverse, has the capability to select higher position in economic and politic with the power they posses.
Although there is a status role that applies, ethnic groups are not formally, politically organized. Ethnic group lives in nations, and one nation commonly have more than one ethnic group (and the number is increasing).

Ethnicity and Assimilation
Assimilation in ethnicity occurs when a minority group adopts the patterns and norms of a more powerful culture, as when a migrant ethnic group conforms itself to its host culture.

Information gathered from many sources:

  • Bina Nusantara Presentation "Human Diversities 1" slides 99-118 
  • "Big Man (Anthropology) at (quoted at April 2nd 2014)

Image sources:


In this post the writer will talk about culture, the examples of it, and types of cultures.

From an anthropological perspective, culture designates the way of life of a certain people or group. Culture is reflected in all areas:
  • Language
  • Religion
  • Sexual division of labor
  • Marriage rules
  • Cuisine
  • Taboo rituals
  • History
  • Manners
  • Arts
  • Clothing 
  • Style of music
  • Medicine
  • Sacred views
  • Mourning ritual, etc. 
Below is the example of culture in Central Java.
Dominant Religion
Marriage Rules
Arranged marriage, monogamy

Wayang Golek
Music Style
Housing Architecture

Phenomenologits argue that people are formed by their culture. According to the nurture law, one’s individuality is shaped by its surroundings. In this case, phenomenologists see that the individuality of a person is shaped by the culture where one lives in. Take two tribes from Indonesia as an example; Java and Batak. Javanese people are commonly acknowledged as calming and caring individuals, whereas Batak people are recognized as stiff people and manage to shout often.

Cultural Learning
Ancient Egypt Cave Painting
To learn about culture is to learn about the accumulation of knowledge in that society. Culture is learnt through the system of enculturation; it is transmitted from generation to generation ancient Egypt passes their culture; earlier generation draws their life on rough surfaces (such as rocks and caves), whilst the next generation studies and applies culture from it.
Culture is also learned through many forms of symbols. Ever saw this picture on the right? That is how ancient Egypt passes their culture; earlier generation draws their life on the rock, whilst the next generation studies and applies culture from it.
Culture is also learned through direct instruction and observation; it is absorbed both consciously and unconsciously. Like a mother teaching her married daughter about marriage rules, or a foreign man observing language spoken by a strange society.

There are three forms of culture:
  • International Culture refers to practices which are common to an identifiable group extending beyong the boundaries of one culture. 
  • National Culture refers to the experiences, beliefs, learned behavior patterns, and values shared by citizens of the same nation. 
  • Subculture is identifiable cultural pattern existing within larger cultures.

Culture and Globalization
Globalization is defined as the process where people across the world increasingly interlinked and become mutually dependent towards each other. It is brought to the world’s face through economic and political aspect. Globalization allows people from different cultures to bring their cultures up and blend it one another. As the process of globalization takes place in many regions, this process later results in fading of the original culture and gives birth to new culture as a replacement.

Information gathered from many sources:
  • Bina Nusantara Presentation "Human Diversities 1" slides 72-98
  • Lechte, John. Key Contemporary Concept. SAGE Publications London, 2003. ISBN 0 7619 6534 3.
Image Sources: